» Cars & Transport » Complaint / review: UPS - Customer Service | #3911

Customer Service

I ordered a birthday gift for my boyfriend online and the company only ships through UPS to Canada. They tried delivering it on the day promised, then advised me of the 75.15$ after the fact. I was not home during delivery time and asked to pick up the package. They said they would call me within 1 hour to let me know if i could pick it up on the same day. I did not receive a call so i called back. They said it was all ready for me to pick it up. I came in from out of town taking time off work to pick it up and they didn't know where the package was. They interuppted me, refused to allow me to explain because "they couldn't do anything and I needed to call the 1-800#". I called and they said that i was mis-informed, it is not ready for pick up but due to my inconvenice they would try to get it to the warehouse same day and someone would call me before 7 PM. No one called. The tracking web page was updated to reflect that I committed to picking up the package same day and i could pick it up after 8:30 PM. The warehouse closed at 7 PM. I called back quoting the reference number for my complaint and they said nothing could be done for my inconvenience. I asked to be put through to a manager and I was put on hold for 20 minutes. I disconnected, called back, asked to be put through to a manager and they said there was no manager but i could talk to the support center. The support center said they couldn't do anything, not even file a complaint against anyone as they had no record of who i talked to.

I cannot get my package on time due to the horrible service I receieved and my birthday present to my boyfriend is late. I missed time from work causing me unpaid hours at work. I had to drive from out of town causing me extra time and money in gas. I will still be paying the ridiculous 75.00 for the customs charges.


Company: UPS

Country: Canada   Province: Alberta   City: Calgary

Category: Cars & Transport


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