» Telecommunications » Complaint / review: Petro Canada Mobility - Expiry Date for Air Time | #3641

Petro Canada Mobility
Expiry Date for Air Time

I am very dissatisfied with Petro Canada Mobility's (PCM) definition of the word "expiry" with reference to air time. It appears that if air time expires on Aug 12 2011, to PCM, this means that in fact, the air time expires on Aug 11 because the internal program that PCM runs, could run in the morning of Aug 12 and delete the air time. Every other business that I have dealt with gives customers until midnight of the expiry date. Why is PCM different? When I complained that I wanted to speak to a higher authority, I was told by the Customer Service Agent to email the Contact Us address since it would above her office. I do as instructed only to get an automated email reply to contact the same Customer Service telephone number where I started... what a JOKE!


Company: Petro Canada Mobility

Country: Canada   Province: Ontario

Category: Telecommunications


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