» Electronics and household app. » Complaint / review: Kodak - Kodak easy share | #10987

Kodak easy share

Here is a recent chat session I had with Kodak Technical support agent, concerning a kodak digital camera with a share button that, according to the technical support agent has no functional use.

buhler (11:07:55 AM): When I push the share button and then choose email I get a message that I have no address book and have to connect to my PC. When I do connect it doesn't import my address book.(11:07:55 AM)[All of our specialists are assisting other customers. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience. Please continue to hold and your chat will be answered by the next available specialist.](11:17:49 AM)[You are now chatting with Aurelio A .]Aurelio A (11:17:57 AM): Welcome to Kodak, my name is Aurelio. Please wait while I review your question.

Aurelio A (11:18:27 AM): I will be happy to assist you with your concern. Kindly provide me with the model of the camera as well as the serial number.

buhler (11:24:23 AM): It is a

buhler (11:24:29 AM): c813

buhler (11:24:53 AM): I have tried calling technical support about 12 times and the calls keep dropping

Aurelio A (11:24:53 AM): Thank you. The serial number is at the bottom of the camera and it starts with "K" followed by four letters and eight numbers.

Aurelio A (11:25:05 AM): Sorry about that.

buhler (11:25:10 AM): I think you guys have a terrible phone service

buhler (11:25:46 AM): kcghr82428262

Aurelio A (11:26:11 AM): Thank you. Do you have Kodak EasyShare software installed?

buhler (11:26:20 AM): yes, version 8.2

Aurelio A (11:27:43 AM): Thank you. What is your operating system? Are you using Windows XP or Windows Vista?

buhler (11:28:30 AM): windows 7

Aurelio A (11:30:00 AM): Thank you. Please allow me to gather some data. Now please click on Start, then select Control Panel, then open System icon and please provide me the following information: Brand of your computer, Service Pack, Processor’s speed (GHz), Processor’s name (Intel Pentium, AMD, etc), and the amount of RAM.

buhler (11:31:56 AM): I built my own computer. It has 8 gigs of ram and a 3.2 G hrzt intel processor

buhler (11:32:07 AM): Can we please get to the issue here.

buhler (11:32:14 AM): My system is not the problem

buhler (11:32:29 AM): I need help with your software

Aurelio A (11:34:17 AM): Okay. We need this information for documentation purposes and to help you resolve your issue.

Aurelio A (11:35:21 AM): Please open Kodak EasyShare software and click on email on the left part of teh screen.

Aurelio A (11:35:26 AM): *the

buhler (11:36:18 AM): ok, I did

Aurelio A (11:39:37 AM): Please click on tools and click address book.

buhler (11:40:15 AM): yes, I have a bunch of addresses that I imported.

Aurelio A (11:41:38 AM): Pushing the share button on the camera will not allow you to email immediately. You have to send the email through Kodak EasyShare software.

buhler (11:43:58 AM): but when I push the share button and then the email option, it says I, there is no address book and I need to connect to the pc to import address book

buhler (11:44:41 AM): when I do connect to the pc it doesnt import my address book from the software

Aurelio A (11:47:25 AM): Okay. You need to enter the email addresses manually into the Kodak EasyShare software and they will not be automatically imported from camera to Kodak EasyShare software.

buhler (11:49:01 AM): I did enter the email addresses into thekodak easy share software. The email addresses are already in the kodak software.

buhler (11:49:40 AM): Tell me this. what is the point of having a share button on the camera?

buhler (11:50:14 AM): Tell me this. Why is it when you push the share button, that an option for emailcomes up?

buhler (11:51:14 AM): Tell me this. Why is it when you push the email option that a message somes up, that there is no address book and that I have to connect the camera to my PC in order to import my addresses?

buhler (11:51:34 AM): If you cant help me with this. Let me talk yo your supervisor

Aurelio A (11:51:58 AM): Easyshare button is used for emailing, tagging and uploading your pictures. To be able to do all of these, you need to transfer them to Kodak EasyShare software.

Aurelio A (11:52:54 AM): You would need to connect the camera to your computer to be able to import your address book.

buhler (11:53:58 AM): Ok, so when I do connect the camera, to import my address book, it doesnt do it

buhler (11:54:21 AM): This is why I am contacting you

Aurelio A (11:57:03 AM): You would need to manually enter the address book into Kodak EasyShare software. It will not be automatically imported to Kodak EasyShare software even if the camera is not connected.

buhler (11:58:41 AM): I have already told you. I have already entered my email addresses manually in the kodak easy share software. That is not the issue

Aurelio A (11:59:56 AM): Okay. Let us try to send an email.

Aurelio A (12:00:14 PM): Please drag a picture to your picture tray and click on email.

buhler (12:00:42 PM): Using the software?

Aurelio A (12:01:19 PM): Yes, please.

buhler (12:01:32 PM): Ok, I think I am seeing what the problem is.

buhler (12:01:47 PM): Your commercial on T.V. are misleading

buhler (12:02:22 PM): What is the point of having a share button, please explain. What is the share button on the camera meant to do?

buhler (12:03:06 PM): If I push the share button on the camera, what is its purpose?

Aurelio A (12:03:11 PM): The share button and teh automatic upload and import is only applicable to 2010 cameras.

Aurelio A (12:03:46 PM): Share button on our earlier version cameras will work if you transfer pictures to Kodak EasyShare software.

buhler (12:05:09 PM): This is a new camera. So you are telling me that I bought a camera with a share button, that has you use to me? It has no practical functional use, other than that is is red and shiney?

buhler (12:06:08 PM): So how do I get the share button to work? Uninstall the easy share software?

Aurelio A (12:07:00 PM): You do not need to uninstall Kodak EasyShare software. You need it to share pictures.

buhler (12:09:02 PM): I have another digital camera, I dont need any special software to share those pictures. I download the pictures to my pc and then email them. the reason I bought this camera, is that it has a share button which is supposed to allow me to share pictures with a push of a button according to you tv adds.

buhler (12:10:17 PM): I am saving this whole chat log and sending it to kodaks coorperate office to show them that they are advertising and selling a product which doesnt do what it is supposed to do.

buhler (12:10:42 PM): Either that or the tech support team doesnt know how to support their own product.

Aurelio A (12:10:49 PM): The Kodak EasyShare software is a software that will help you manage pictures. You can resize, edit and enhance them.

buhler (12:11:13 PM): I can do that with a hundred other software programs.

buhler (12:11:22 PM): That is not why I bought this camera.

Aurelio A (12:11:46 PM): We have the newer cameras that has the Share Button application and it has a more easier process to upload to networking sites.

buhler (12:12:38 PM): If the share button does not work on this camera, why is it even on the camera?

buhler (12:15:01 PM): I will be returning the camera, getting a refund and buying a panasonic camera, one without a share button which does not work, except to confuse me and waist my time with technical support.



Company: Kodak

Country: Canada

Category: Electronics and household app.


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