Cytec Payout Financial Inc, Cytec, Group Of Publishers Sweepstakes
, Cytec Engineered Materials SENT A CHECK, BIG SCAM, LOTTERY WINNER NOT TRUE, WON $75, 000, SENT $2980 CHECK

So like most americans today, my husband and I are going through the roughest financial time we've ever encountered, not to mention the recent passing of my father caused my husband's job loss which was our ONLY INCOME... then ONE day, I get a check in the mail, A REAL FREAKIN CHECK (i thought) but ...

Fidelity International Lotto, Surety Trust, Inc
Surety Trust, Inc., Fidelity International Lotto, Looking back at the letter I have to laugh: "Surety"..."Trust"..."Fidelity"... sounds like the beginning of a bad commercial!

Received a letter and a check for $4, 720 from "Surety Trust, Inc." informing me I had hit the jackpot- $250, 000 in their random computer drawing! Their 'partners' included some biggies: Intel Group, MicroSoft, WalMart, Sears, Ford, GM, and Heineken Promotions. Everything looked on the ...