Great Cars And Trucks
Ripoff ripoff ripoff!!

Just like everyone else on this site, I received a phone call from great cars and trucks one day. They guaranteed to sell my car within 90 days and assured me that I had nothing to lose as I would get my money back should they fail to sell. Since then, great cars and trucks did such a wonderful job ...

AP9 Galleria - IK9 Galleria - MemberWorks Canada Corporation, Discount Development Services
AP9 Galleria - IK9 Galeria - MemberWorks Canada Corporation - Discount Development Services monthly amounts from credit card changing name frequently to hopefully get missed ripoff Montreal

These individuals have been scamming people throughout North America for a considerable amount of time. Search through this site and you will find dozens of reports. They charge monthly amounts to your credit card changing their name frequently so as to hopefully go unnoticed. I managed to catch it ...