Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy
Made an order over the internet and never received the order after 45 days, Requested a refund 6 days ago and have not received it yet, They would not contact me back until i said i would post somethi

Made a purchase over the internet, Around 45 days, have not received package, tried to make contact and stated i wanted a refund and they would not contact me back, Finally got a response after i sent a message that i was going to post 48 hours later to Ripoff report, The Canadian Better Business ...

Gurusoft Consultants Inc This company is a scam using paypal's loophole in its dispute resolution process that doesn't allow one to cancel payment for services. I registered to take the class, but the website doesn't work

This company claim to provide online courses. I registered for one of the classes, and paid vis Paypal. However, the money was gone in minutes, but when I try to log on to start the class but no access. I tried to get access, but no luck. I emailed the company, but they don't return my several ...