CanopCo Incorporated
Long distance charges - from Mexico


I can't believe this. I just received my Telus Phone bill. I had received 3 collect phone calls from my son and his wife while they were staying at a resort in Mexico. 2 calls were for 5 minutes and the 3rd for 6 minutes. CanopCo Incorporated provided the service (as per my Telus bill) and they charged $123.47 for those 3 calls. They charged a $16.25 collect call connect fee per phone call as well as a $4.67 per minutes charge. I had to call them back and have a 1 minutes charge to Mexico on my Telus bill for .15 cents. How can CanopCo possibly justify these absurd charges.!!! When I called them they said they are a CRTC regulated company and that the CRTC has approved their rates. I cannot see how the CRTC could possibly have endorsed these ridiculous charges. Warning to everyone who travels and stays in hotels., I guess you shouldn't bother to try to connect with your loved ones. You'll pay and pay for it when you get home.

Please everybody, be aware and get ALL the rate info before you call. Hopefully soon these guys will be out of business and run out of Canada.

Company: CanopCo Incorporated
Country: Canada
Province: British Columbia
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CanopCo Incorporated
Billed by Telus

Bogus phone charges

Canopco and Telus
Being billed for direct dialed calls as collect calls

Bogus Charges



Long distance charges!

False billing

Telus Communications
Bad customer service and billing!

Continued to bill for a terminated service