Trail Appliances

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I bought my Whirpool washer/dryer from them a few years ago along with the extended service plan - which they boast about as being quick and responsive. Last week, my washer died so I called Trail and they agreed to send the necessary technician out for this Wednesday. They asked me if my washer/dryer were stacked? YES. Is the dryer on top? YES. Of course they can only come out during the day so you have to take the first day off work for the guy to show up between 11-1... the first bad sign was when he didn't show up until 1:45 but I digress. He shows up, comes in, looks at the washer and says "the office didn't tell me it was a stacked system and we need two guys to do that." No problem, he will call up another guy and we can get it fixed right? No... we are booked the rest of the week so it might not be until next week. So I point out that's unacceptable since TRAIL screwed up... the office calls me and says they aren't sure how the mis-communcation happened, blah blah blah but they will get out the next day (Thursday) with the part and two guys. Now on Thursday they are set to show up between 9-10 so again you take the morning off work (this extended service is hardly saving me money based on wages lost). They show up on time, do some work by following the service manual (i'm starting to feel like they don't actually have a clue about appliances and just follow the service manual - which I could do myself), put the unit back in and voila! Nothing... it doesn't turn on - "we must have a bad part". RIGHT. I'm told not to worry because they have another one in Langley (about a 20 minute drive) - "Don't worry, we can have it here by Saturday so we can probably install it sometime next week" he says - ARE YOU KIDDING ME? 2 days to ship a part 20 minutes? It's a long weekend... this should not take 2 weeks to fix with a common, in-stock part! "Sorry, that's the best we can do."

So I call Trail and point out that I'm ticked off and that they have screwed up twice now - the first they didn't inform the tech of my setup and the second they didn't have the right part (they said it failed but I saw the box and it said dryer not washer so I assume it was the wrong board they brought) when they did show up with the right guys. You'd think they would be "Wow, sorry we screwed up, let's get you this right part and get it fixed ASAP." WRONG - They tell me they aren't a parts dealer so wrong/defective parts isn't their problem, they can't speed up shipping of parts (OK - I could ride my bike there and back in an hour), and that they feel this should be a addressed by a supervisor - who will try and call me within 24 HOURS. That brings us to a long weekend when everything is shut down - GREAT!! So I point out I'm not happy waiting 24 hours and would like to speak to someone right away... I am told no. So I kindly point out that if I don't hear from someone quickly that I will post my story on the internet to which they reply... "Thank you - Click.".

The moral of the story is you should try at all costs to avoid buying your appliances at Trail - and if you absolutely must... do NOT get their extended service plan. The issue is still not fixed or addressed and I have no idea how long it will take before it is - I have learned my lesson - I'm going to shop elsewhere from now on.

Company: Trail Appliances
Country: Canada
Province: British Columbia
City: Coquitlam
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