Urban Florist
Ripoff no delivery

Shops, Products, Services

An online order was made with Urban Florist, and the order was never delivered. After following up with the company they promised to look into it and then never followed up. Subsequent phone calls and e-mails produced nothing. Charge on the credit card went through regardless.

Burnaby, British Columbia

Company: Urban Florist
Country: Canada
Province: British Columbia
City: Vancouver
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Urban Florist

Urban Florist
Anniversary flower ripoff

Urban Florist Aka Artisan Flowers And Gift
RIPOFF Partial delivery, no service

The Urban Florist / Artisan Flowers & Gifts
The Urban Florist Scam artists - DO NOT BUY FROM THIS COMPANY!!! Products shown on their website NOT as ordered if delivered at all

Urban Florist
Ripoff Scam Artist Awful Business Practice Stealing Everyones Money No Refunds Eve

Urban Florist.com - Urban Florist.com
UrbanFlorist.com they took our money and didnt deliver the flowers now wont refund

Urban Florist
Ripoff Did not deliver flowers when ordered via internet

Urban Florist - Artisan Florist
Ripoff! A way you might be able to get your money back, ex-employee knows

Urban Florist
Never answers phone, never replies to emails, is a fake, don't deal with them if it's the last thing you do ripoff

Urban Florist
Ripoff Misleading delivery promises wrong product delivered horrible customer service