Brooks Police


I have to work at 9 am and my roomate has to work at 6am and the fuckin cops come to my door at 1am in the morning looking for my boyfriend. I think waking some one at that time whether what they are loooking for is here or not is fucking wroing. It's not like he killed somone or something. I just don't think that they should show up at such a fucked up hour.. like seriously couldn't that shit wait til morning. Why do they have to be so dis respectful?? Funny they put this much effort into something so minor and easy, but they have yet to catch the people who broke inot my house and stole my shit..Fucking stupid pigs I hope when they see god at judgement day there eyes bleed and there skin rots and god sends them to hell.

Company: Brooks Police
Country: Canada
Province: Alberta
City: Brooks
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