Metro Foods
Incompetence of Truck Drive

Career & Work

A Metro Foods truck driver had his windows rolled up and music blaring when backing into a Food Basics loading dock on June 04 2011. He could not hear the honking of over 15 cars in his way due to his music, and was consequently about to kill 10 people who were trapped in their cars. The trailer touched the windshield of one car, and almost ripped it in half until a pedestrian jumped on the driver's windshield to stop him. This is unacceptable and unbelievable at how incompetant and basically retarded this truck driver was. And after all that, he had the nerve to get out of the truck and yell at the people who had almost been killed. The music was still blaring, so his profanity was incomprehensible to the children that were almost killed in their family cars. That day, Metro Foods lost over 100 customers, and hopefully one very stupid truck driver. However, this was not the first time this has happened with this driver, reported the dispatch officer of Metro Foods who frankly didn't give a damn. This is not a case that will rest, it is going all the way to the supreme court if it has to. So, Metro Foods, see you in court (and bring that incompetant truck driver too).

Company: Metro Foods
Country: Canada
Province: Ontario
City: Kitchener
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