J.D Marvel
Ripoff rip-off scam liars

Shops, Products, Services

I placed an order with them back in October of 2002 and the cheque was cash on October the 25th some where about that time. I e-mailed them back in late November and was told that they had some of my order on back order. I e-mailed them again in December I was e-mailing Pauline at this time and I told her that one of the pieces of the order was a Christmas gift for a little boy.

She told me again that some of my order was on back order and if I e-mailed her again a week later she would be able to tell me when to expect my order. I called the company in January and I was told that there e-mail adderess was down because they had just moved their office.

I recieved an e-mail from Pauline telling me that she was on Vacation and that my order was sent to me on January 17th. We are now February the 10th and still on order I would like to recieve my order or give me my money back. I have ordered from them before and never had this happen. I can tell you they have lost me as a customer you don't treat people like this.

I hope who ever reads this can help me in getting my order to me or getting my money back. They have 152 dollars and change that belongs to me and not them. They have been getting interest on this money since October of 2002.

Toronto, Ontario

Company: J.D Marvel
Country: Canada
Province: Ontario
City: Hawkesbury
Address: Dept 721-109, Box 739 Hawkesbury Ontario
Phone: 5144268715
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JD Marvel
Ripoff Hawksbury Ontario

J D Marvel Products Inc
Ripoff fraudulent ripoff business victimized many consumers

WHERE'S MY ORDER? 5 months is excessive!

J.D. Marvel Products Inc
J.D. Marvel Products rip-off scam liars

J.D. Marvel Products Inc

J.D. Marvel Products
Ripoff Montreal

J.D. Marvel Products
Inc. Payment Processed for Undelivered Merchandise

Jd marvel products

Charged but did not receive product

Canadapets Ltd