After sales service

Cars & Transport

Purchased a used 2003 Elantra from this dealer with 63K. When I mentioned the unusal action of the clutch I was told by the salesmen the clutch had been changed at 30K. After several months the cluth completely failed with a bill of $1200. The warranty sold with the vehicle did not cover this part and the business manager refused to pay any part of this bill. This stealer (opps) dealer is not honest and you should stay way

Company: Hyundai
Country: Canada
Province: Ontario
City: Newmarket
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Coast to Coast Dealer Service
Scam - Extended Warranty from Coast to Coast

Bay Auto Zone
Fraudulent Claims of Vehicle Condition, Bad Service

Hyundai Auto Canada Corp
Hyundai Canada hyundai Auto Canada Corp failed to cover cracked wheel rim under warranty

GM/Chevy Camaro 2010 SS
Transmission problems

Canadian Tire Auto Service
Poor Service

Autolease BC
Vehicle was not a described when sold

Hyundai Canada
Warranty Coverage

Car Canada
Fraudulent Business Practices


Is it fraud?