Canadian Tire Options Mastercard
Arbitrary Increases in Interest Rates

Business & Finance

We all know many Credit Cards charge abhorrant interest rates.

But Canadian Tire is the worst of the lot, the most ghastly, Usurous Interest rates in the Industry.

What they do is get unsuspecting customers to sign up in the store. What they don't tell you is that they can randomly change the interest rates whenever they feel like it.

Suddenly, one day, I discovered they had raised my interest rate to over 25% (!!!)

They claim to provide notice on the Statement, but this is in find print and useless if your statement is online... you don't see any of the notices, of course.

Their business practices are reprehensible and they are a stain on the industry. I will never spend a dime in a Canadian Tire store ever again.

Company: Canadian Tire Options Mastercard
Country: Canada
Province: Québec
City: Montreal
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Canadian Tire Options Mastercard
After due date interest rates

Pawn shop interest rates

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( Branch) Be weary... Rip off interest rates defer from statement to online

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WARNING--automatic hike in interest rates Sept/09 P.O. Box 503 Scarborough STN D

Canadian Tire
Customer serivce

Canadian Tire
Overcharged and very poor service

Canadian tire quinpool road

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Inc. ripoff, false claims, interest rates, harassment, rude

Canadian Tire
Poor service

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